Machine Learning Hackathons 2024

Explore Machine Learning hackathons online and in-person
ONLINE Astropreneurship and Space Medicine

Jan. 11, 2024 - Jan. 17, 2024


About the challenge

This is an event devoted to investigating space problems in healthcare!
Due to COVID-19, this hackathon is mostly online, with the exception …


Jan. 10, 2024 - Jan. 13, 2024


Categories Description for Hack-A-Week 2024

Category: Generative AI

Generative AI involves the creation of models capable of autonomously generating content, such as images, text, music, …

IN-PERSON Hack the world

Jan. 9, 2024 - Jan. 20, 2024


About the challenge

  1. Renewable Energy Solutions: Develop cutting-edge applications and software to harness and optimize renewable energy sources, making clean energy accessible and efficient.

  2. Waste …

IN-PERSON Innerve 8

Jan. 7, 2024 - Jan. 22, 2024


Embark on a journey that began in 2016, as Innerve set out with a bold ambition to infuse the vibrant Hackathon culture into the very …

IN-PERSON The AI2Heal hackathon has been indefinitely postponed.

Jan. 6, 2024


The AI2Heal hackathon has been indefinitely postponed. We apologize for the inconvenience.

IN-PERSON Eduhacks 2023

Jan. 5, 2024 - Jan. 6, 2024


EduHacks has hosted one of the largest Hackathons in Vancouver, Canada. SInce 2017, it has attracted global attention from people from all over the world. …

IN-PERSON NUS Fintech Summit 2024 Round 1 (Ideation)

Dec. 20, 2023 - Jan. 3, 2024



NUS Fintech Society was founded in 2018 in collaboration with NUS Fintech Lab under the NUS School of Computing. We identify …

ONLINE First Pitch by (Cancelled, Our apologies)

Dec. 20, 2023 - April 20, 2024


About the challenge

Coming Soon

Get started

IN-PERSON Cheat Layer Hackathon II

Dec. 15, 2023 - May 31, 2024


Hackathon II

Join us for our 2nd Hackathon and the 1st where completely non-technical users can participate on the same level playing field!


All the …

ONLINE Stock Hacks

Dec. 3, 2023 - Dec. 9, 2023


About the challenge

Stock Hacks is not just a hackathon; it's a journey into the heart of financial innovation. This challenge beckons creative minds to …

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