Big Data Hackathons 2024

Explore Big Data hackathons online and in-person
IN-PERSON NE Data Meetup

June 1, 2016


The NEData meetup is open to anyone interested in open data. You will hear from people and organisations that have used open data, some practical …

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big data · Newcastle Upon Tyne
IN-PERSON HackingFest Ankara 2016

May 28, 2016 - May 29, 2016


Hackingfest is a hackathon series on software and hardware organized for those developers and designers who are passionate about hacking for real-world issues. Come along …

IN-PERSON Data Remix Hackathon (Python + Angular JS + Google App Engine)

May 28, 2016


Come attend the hackathon for those who love playing with big data. Hack on projects that involve big amounts of data acquired through APIs or …

IN-PERSON Hackathon Anti-pollution

May 27, 2016 - April 30, 2016


The Anti-pollution Hackathon is inviting all coders, Graphic designers, UX, and Contractors to develop a complete a product in 48 hours that will resolve modern …

IN-PERSON Hackathon Mers et Océans

May 27, 2016


Journée de créativité autour des mers et des océans

IN-PERSON AT&T Germany IoT Conference and Workshop 2016

May 26, 2016


This is a hackathon organised by AT&T Germany bringing together over 100 IT experts to share their skills and experiences and work together to build …


May 21, 2016


This hackathon is inviting all developers, engineers, entrepreneurs, students, techies, activists, designers and citizens of San Mateo County to come and participate in an all-day …

IN-PERSON FinTech Awards Hackathon by Benzinga & Byte Academy

May 20, 2016 - May 22, 2016


The FinTech Awards Hack is inviting developers, business minds and creatives to connect with FinTech’s top executives, press, VCs, academics and more while hacking a …

IN-PERSON Charity Sector Hackathon

May 20, 2016


Solve a data challenge for charity, win great prizes and do your contribution for a better world! This is a unique event where you can …

IN-PERSON IT Staff Convention - Spring 2016

May 20, 2016


IT support providers, sysadmins, developers, information security gurus, social media mavens, data analysts -- this is your event! The 11th annual Spring IT Staff Convention …

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