the Arena Online presents: Friday Night Firefight ep. 1

devopsmachine learningsecurity
Location: Online

About the challenge

This event is a Sprint by default (Under 24h.) Some Firefights may be Races (24-48h) or Marathons (48h+) depending on the Firefight participant.



Fridays starting at 5PST



Firefight candidates will be announced on Fridays at 12PST. From 12 to 6, you can tool up, form teams, make plans, spin up containers/vms, strategize, write scripts, etc. However, do not 'use' any of the things you've prepared until the Firefight begins at 6PST.

5PST - Eligible Firefight candidates will do a quick demo of how their thing works, how it's supposed to work, and what it looks like when it breaks, and anything else they think you should know.

6PST-8PST - Firefight!

Your goal: Break the thing. In as many ways as possible, and as badly as possible, hitting as many of the challenge conditions as possible. Don't do anything illegal, or if you do, make sure nobody finds out (you'll lose points, also it's illegal)


When you have successfully broken something:

-either record a clip or take a screenshot

-alternately record the whole thing and leave timestamps for when + how many times you hit a win condition

-submit it in the #firefight-submissions channel.

Got a thing you need stress tested? Submit it as a candidate for all of us to try and break it. Submit at your own risk.

Get started


Nov. 17, 2023


The Arena Online





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