Texas A&M Cybersecurity Club CTF Competition

Location: Online

Texas A&M Cybersecurity Club is hosting a beginner-friendly CTF for only Texas A&M students on September, 25th 2021 from 11 AM CT to 6 PM CT.

No prior experience or background is required to compete. All majors and skill levels are welcomed, and we encourage you to find team members to compete with.

We have two review session for those that want to prepare for the CTF event

Pizza and drinks will be provided halfway through the competition thanks to Copart! Copart is also helping us with raffle prizes.

Register to the CTF event by signing up on the following google form so we can provides you additional information to create account for the competition.

CTF review sessions:

September 22rd (WiCyS first meeting) - our faculty advisor, Dr. Carlisle, will give a overview of CTF competitions and walk through examples of CTF challenges.                                                                                4pm – 5pm in Innovative Learning Classroom Building room 215.

September 23rd (Cybersecurity Club meeting) - our club CTF team will walk through more CTF challenges.  A few examples might look similar to challenges during the competition :)
7 PM – 9 PM in Innovative Learning Classroom Building room 207. 

Check out our calendar for details: cybr.club/calendar.html



Sept. 25, 2021


Texas A&M Cybersecurity Club





Link to website

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