HackBMU is a hackathon focused on promoting innovation, diversity and networking among all future hackers. We will be hosting upcoming engineers and developers from all over India to create mobile, web, and hardware hacks for an intense 24-hour session.
HackBMU seeks to provide a welcoming and supportive environment to all participants to develop their skills, regardless of their background. Last year and the year before, HackBMU garnered huge attention with 20+ teams from around the country. Also, we aimed to close the gender gap in hackathon participation and encouraged female participants to join up by reserving seats especially for them. The response was overwhelming, and a huge amount of the participants were women.
Now, for the third consecutive year, we are aiming for new and greater heights and to interact with more people and making it a memorable and enjoyable event.
Feb. 15, 2020 - Feb. 16, 2020
BML Munjal University
BML Munjal University, Gurugram, Gurugram