Campus Blockchain Hackathon - Covenant University.

Location: Ota

Computer science, business, and entrepreneur students and faculty in Nigeria! The Cryptography Development Initiative in Nigeria (CDIN) invites you to participate in the Campus Blockchain Hackathon to be held at Covenant University.

You don't have to be a techie to participate. Any student or faculty member with an interest in blockchain technology, a business idea, and the aptitude to be part of a blockchain startup project team can take part. Come and collaborate and compete against teams in other locations in Nigeria for the chance to be eligible for the National Campus Blockchain Hackathon.

> for Campus Blockchain participation advice!


Oct. 3, 2018 - Oct. 5, 2018


Cryptography Development Initiative in Nigeria (CDIN)


Hebron StartUp Lab, Covenant University Road, Ota


Link to website

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