Waterloo CodeFest

Location: Waterloo

The City of Waterloo is committed to being an open, transparent and accountable government. Hosting a hackathon is just one of the ways we can achieve this goal. Open data is available - make it useful! Code your Waterloo in a weekend at Waterloo Codefest this Oct. 24 and 25, 2015.

Come out and build something! Either by yourself or with a team of up to four members.

The hackathon will begin at 7 a.m. on Oct 24 and will end Oct 25 at 10 p.m. This 36-hour event will include an awards ceremony for the top 3 applications developed.

Please register at http://bit.ly/1DKaWZK.

In July 2015, we asked the community to share their ideas about what data sets could be used at Waterloo Codefest to create potential mobile apps. In addition to existing available data sets, coders will have access to brand new data sets including: city facilities, detailed park information, places of worship, bike lanes, roads, trails, historical street names, heritage buildings, and more. Please visit Waterloo Codefest for details.  

Civic hackathons are becoming very prominent and common around the world with major hackathons occurring at the White House and around cities such as Guelph. We feel that we are a diverse and talented community with the University of Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier University and Conestoga College inspiring the most talented individuals from across Canada to further their entrepreneurial dreams. We are confident this event will spearhead more entrepreneurial ventures and allow for collaboration to occur at the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) building and foster a sense of community building.  

This event also supports international mandates such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals related to accountable and transparent governance bodies at all levels of government across the world. We are calling on the community to continue to work with us to improve our services for you and help us continue to provide accurate, accountable and transparent information.

Please share this event with anyone you think may be interested in working with local data and/or developing our open data community!

Get your brand in front of the tech mecca of Canada. Become a sponsor today!

Limited sponsorship available. 

Please contact Raj Sian, Business Development Specialist at City of Waterloo at [email protected]

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Oct. 24, 2015 - Oct. 25, 2015



67 Erb Street West, Waterloo, ON N2L 6C2, Canada



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