Vanderbilt Junior App Challenge

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The Vanderbilt Junior App Challenge is a mobile app development competition for high school students in the Nashville area hosted by Vanderbilt University. Student groups are tasked with developing a mobile application to solve an identifiable problem in their school or community. The Challenge operates on three goals:

  1. Providing students with a platform to create their own, tangible product. Students are encouraged to use mobile app development tools they are comfortable with throughout this process. By the end of the Challenge, students will have created an innovative solution to a problem they identified that can be directly attributed to them in order to make a real impact.

  2. Opening avenues for networking and making connections. All teams will be assigned a Vanderbilt undergraduate mentor that provides guidance throughout app development and gives insight into the collegiate STEM experience. The Showcase Event will include programming with STEM professionals to give students the opportunity to build interpersonal and soft skills.

  3. Building presentation and technical communication skills. All students will submit a video demo providing an overview of their finished product as well as a reflection on the app development process. Finalists will have the opportunity to pitch their presentation at the Showcase Event to judges and the attending audience. An important facet of these deliverables will be gauging students’ abilities to communicate technical concepts to non-technical audiences. 


Basic Requirements

  1. Student teams must be enrolled as 9-12 grade students in any high school in the Nashville area to be eligible for VJAC.

    1. Students on the same team do not need to be from the same high school.

    2. A student can only compete as part of one team. 

  2. Student teams must consist of 2-5 team members.

  3. Teams must have an advisor for the app development process. 

    1. Advisors may be a teacher, coach, or any other community leader. 


Feb. 15, 2024 - March 30, 2024


Vanderbilt University





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