True AR Challenge & Hackathon

Location: Online

True AR Challenge & Hackathon is an online selection and onsite hackathon for developers and designers who are passionate about augmented reality and car innovations. WayRay invites you to take the challenge and share your vision for AR apps. The submissions that are visually innovative, technologically impressive, and engaging for users will be shortlisted for the hackathon where you will bring your idea to a working app prototype using our True AR SDK.

True AR SDK is a toolkit that helps build AR apps that run on holographic AR displays. The SDK includes a holographic AR display simulator, runs on Ubuntu 16.04, and supports C++ and GLSL with binding to other programming languages.

Top shortlisted projects will receive cash prizes of $2,000–$5,000 and invitations to the True AR hackathon. The hackathon winners will be granted $10,000–$40,000. Date and location of the hackathon will be announced later.

*Please note that WayRay will not cover any travel and accommodation costs for the non-US based participants shortlisted for the hackathon weekend.

Online submission ends on Wednesday, May 30th, 2018, 23:45 UTC. Shortlisted candidates for the hackathon will be announced by June 30th, 2018.

The challenge is open to developers and designers — individuals and teams — despite their gender, age (18+), location, and occupation.


April 4, 2018 - May 30, 2018







Link to website

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