Tigre Hacks

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Location: In-person

We know you love prizes and we brought a ton that you can win this weekend by completing challenges & using new tech.

Best Domain Name from Domain.com

⭐ Domain.com Branded Prize ⭐

Domain.com logo

Register a .Tech domain name using Domain.com during the weekend for your chance to win an awesome Domain.com branded prize for you and each member of your team! Each team may submit one entry per person on the team. The more creative the domain the better!


Promo Code: 123HACKING

Most Creative Use of Twilio

⭐ Twilio Swag Box & GameGo Console ⭐

Twilio logo

Twilio allows you to incorporate mobile messaging, phone calls and a ton of other awesome communication features right into your hackathon project using a web service API. Are you building an e-commerce website and want to send text notifications or email confirmations once an order is completed? Or maybe you'd like to verify users based on their mobile numbers? Twilio makes all this possible and more. Build a hack that simplifies your life using any Twilio API for a chance to win some awesome prizes! Get started with $50 in free credit!


Promo Code: GHW-HxtXO7IZY4

Best Use of Hedera

⭐ Glorious Modular Compact Mechanical Keyboard ⭐

Hedera logo

Hedera is a next generation blockchain technology that’s accessible from familiar programming languages like Java and JavaScript. Their goal? To make Web3 development even more accessible to hackers like you! Build a project on Hedera's test network for a chance to win amazing Glorious Modular Compact Mechanical Keyboards for you and your team!



Best Accessibility Hack sponsored by Fidelity

⭐ Fidelity Branded Wireless Charger ⭐

Fidelity logo

At Fidelity, accessibility is viewed as a major key to the success of their business, which is why they are challenging you to come up with innovative ways to make tech more accessible! We want you to use your hacking skills to find and build solutions that put opportunities and resources within reach to all communities. The team with the best accessibility hack will win a Fidelity branded wireless charger for each team member!



Best Use of Streamlit

⭐ Pimoroni PicoSystem Handheld Programmable Gaming System ⭐


Want to take your Python skills to the next level? Streamlit is an open-source Python library that makes it easy to build and share custom web apps for machine learning, data science and more. Instead of writing Python scripts without a UI, you can create a beautiful web app, complete with widgets and data visualizations, and deploy it for free to the Streamlit Community Cloud. You can even build a fully functional LLM-powered app with just 25 lines of code! Hack with Streamlit this weekend for your chance to win a Pimoroni PicoSystem programmable gaming system for you and each member of your team.


May 28, 2023




Polideportivo, Pedro de Alba, Niños Héroes, Ciudad Universitaria, 66455 San Nicolás de los Garza, N.L., Mexico



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