The Stemistry Project Hackathon 2024

Location: Online

About the challenge

The Stemistry Project invites you to their first ever hackathon!

Complete a series of 12 simple coding problems about Python data types, user input, conditionals, and functions in the span of 2-3 hours.

The hackathon will be host online with a link provided here and on the discord channel closer to the hackathon date, April 26th. There, The Stemistry Project's team will display a variety of code prompts, where you will design a proram that meets all the requirements for program functionality and purpose. There will be a timer provided to allow you and your teammates time to program and submit your code to this devpost!

Get started

Join this discord: (lots of information will be provided through the discord, so if you want to participate it is extremely important to join)

Also, attend the information session on April 15th to learn about the concepts that will be tested during this hackathon! (more information soon)


April 8, 2024 - April 26, 2024


The Stemistry Project





Link to website

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