The Dove Self-Esteem Project 2017 Hackathon

Location: In-person

! Please note !
Participants must register both on Devpost AND - our venue has an NDA requirement. Thank you!


The Dove Self-Esteem Project (DSEP) & UN Equals want you! Help us to ensure that the next generation grows up enjoying a positive relationship with the way they look so they can reach their full potential.


Why build self-esteem and body confidence in young people?

Did you know that 8 out of 10 girls are so concerned with the way they look that they opt out of important activities? From playing sports and swimming to visiting the doctor, going to school, or just offering an opinion, anxiety about their looks can keep girls from living life to the fullest. And 7 out of 10 report putting their health at risk by not eating or not going to visit the doctor when they don't feel good about the way they look.


What is the Dove Self-Esteem Project (DSEP)?

At Dove, we have a vision where beauty is a source of confidence, not anxiety. In 2004, we turned this vision into our social mission - the Dove Self-Esteem Project. Since then, we have helped more than 20 million young people build self-esteem and positive body confidence through our evidence-based educational programmes and are looking to help 20 million more by 2020. Together with leading experts from fields including psychology, health, and body image, we've created world-class resources that have been scientifically proven to significantly develop and increase body confidence and self-esteem in young people.

Find out more about the Dove Self-Esteem Project.


The Challenge: Spread the DSEP API

The API contains downloadable workshop tools, activities, articles, videos and much more that we want you to help provide youth leaders, mentors, parents, and teachers with so they can help shape a generation of empowered and more body confident girls worldwide.

We want to help push your creative ideas that can positively impact how girls feel about themselves and their bodies into reality. Build a functional demo, design a mockup, or put together a 'paper prototype' of your idea for disseminating this critically important content, pitch it to us in 3 minutes, and we might just green-light your project with £20K and mentorship from the global Dove team!


What is UN Equals?

The Global Partnership for Gender Equality in the Digital Age, a coalition of programmes dedicated to women and girls in technology with a vision of harnessing the power of modern information and communication technologies (ICTs) to accelerate global progress to bridge the gender digital divide.

Find out more about UN Equals.


Pitches & Demos

  • Pitches to be delivered Saturday afternoon, November 25th

  • Max. pitch length: 3 minutes

  • Pitches will be recorded on video for final judge evaluation

Though it greatly improves your chances of winning, you are not required to have a fully-functional prototype for your pitch. Mockups, wireframes, paper prototypes are all acceptable ways of demonstrating your ideas!

Your pitches need to describe who you're targeting, what you're building, why it'll matter to them, and how you'll measure reach and outcomes. You can use any pitching framework you wish as long as you include enough information to help our judges make an intelligent assessment of your project.

Available: projector, microphone(s), various video-adapter dongles.

** Don't worry, we'll be doing a quick, basic pitching workshop on Day 1. We'll also run a relaxed team matching exercise for those not already in teams. **



Friday, November 24th, 2017

08:00 - Registration, breakfast
09:00 - Welcome note
10:00 - Overview & instructions
10:10 - Basic demo workshop, the "Idea Gift Basket"
10:30 - Team matching session & hackathon kickoff
13:00 - Lunch
18:00 - Dinner
23:59 - End of day 1

Saturday, November 25th, 2017  

08:00 - Breakfast
09:30 - Demo overview, order survey
11:00 - Brunch
14:30 - Hackathon end, afternoon tea available, practice demos
15:30 - 3-min demo presentations to audience recorded on video
18:00 - Close 

(Unfortunately, our main judges are unable to attend the event on Saturday evening; they will be evaluating pitch videos separately at a slightly later date.)



Demo Notes / ProTips  

- you can use the "Idea Gift Basket" to help frame out and strengthen your idea

- use your mentors -- these experts can give you invaluable insights, helping ensure you have maximum impact

- focus and polish matter; do 2 things amazingly rather than 5 things well

- start from the end: picture what you want the outcome of your demo to be and work backwards to map out the steps to reach it

- don’t stress out about judging criteria; focus on communicating how you're making someone’s life better

- keep things short & simple with clear explanations (when seeking feedback, don't ask if they think your demo is good or bad; rather, ask them to explain your value proposition)

- don't let exhaustion temper your enthusiasm during your demo -- ENERGY, ENERGY, ENERGY -- if you're not excited about your idea, how could anyone else be?

Presentation Slides, in Order of Appearance 

- Sophie Galvani - Global Brand Vice President, Dove Masterbrand, Unilever

- Stacie June Shelton - Global Head of Education and Advocacy, DSEP, Unilever

- Dr. Phillippa Diedrichs - Research Psychologist



Nov. 24, 2017 - Nov. 25, 2017



30 Aylesbury St, Clerkenwell, London EC1R, UK



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