The Climate Challenge 2020

Location: Online


This online hackathon is organized by the Goethe-Institut together with Scientists4Future Heidelberg and The Hackathon Company. 

Applications are open until October 27th. You may apply and find more information here:

Within 40 hours, you will develop innovative solutions related to climate change topics. These solutions can be apps, games, business plans etc. The best ideas will be awarded after a final pitch. Apart from this problem-solving phase, you have the chance to network and develop further skills in webinars during the event.

You can submit in the following challenges:

Raising awareness
e.g. How can we achieve behavioral changes that support climate protection? (e.g. by nudging) How can we make traveling more eco-friendly?

e.g. How can we communicate climate change to the public in a way that encourages people to take concrete environmental actions? How can we counteract fake news around climate change effectively?

Social perspective
e.g. How can we adapt measures that were developed in the context of the Corona crisis to achieve sustainable climate protection? How can we emphasize the benefits of a reduced digital CO2e footprint?

Big Data
e.g. Which possibilities does big data offer to evaluate climate mitigation measures? How can we enable local authorities to access climate data and to develop solutions that help them overcome risk factors associated with their geographical conditions?


Oct. 29, 2020 - Nov. 1, 2020






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