the Arena Online presents: Friday Night Firefight ep. 1 pt. 2: Revenger

beginnerdevopsmachine learning
Location: Online

About the challenge

so, this was supposed to happen last week, but it took a little while for ppl to file in and by then we were kinda on a roll playing with toys


this week, we definitely do it, no matter what, bc i as the iron-fisted ruler of the land have had the foresight to prepare a backup event.
if we get 6+ participants:
-Firefight, as previously defined, is on, with the same target as last week ( It'll run for 2.5 hours, and your goal will be to break it in as wide a variety as possible. If you can get the agent to leak info it's not supposed to have, make it hallucinate that it put stuff on the whiteboard that it didn't put/make it think there are things on the whiteboard that there aren't, fail on a kit import, bring the whole site/service down, whatever. If you think you broke something, take a clip/screenshot and drop it off in #firefight-submissions, we'll count em up over the weekend.

If 5 or less people:
The goal: Before time runs out (maybe 3.5 hours, since deploying things is hard), create a GPT! That's it. Twist: If you use any openai material, endpoints, or your project includes an domain, you lose. The faster you can do this, the better. You can use OpenGPTs (link in resources and on discord) as a starting point, get it hosted somewhere, and start working on a cool GPT. We'll judge things on how cool your GPT is and how fast you got it deployed.

If the people who *do* show up are more interested in one thing than the other & we have enough for either, we'll take a vote and figure it out.

Get started


Nov. 24, 2023


The Arena Online





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