*** As many participants are aged 12-18, we ask all participants (young participants and mentors) to register on Eventbrite first: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/teens-in-ai-covid-19-online-hackathon-youthvscovid-tickets-101803105830
*** All mentors are verified for safeguarding
*** Once you register on Eventbrite and we verify who you are, we will send you a link to the Discord channel
The Teens in AI COVID-19 Global Hackathon is an opportunity for young people aged 12-24 and the wider machine learning community to join the global movement that drives social impact, with the aim of tackling some of the challenges related to the current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
We are encouraging young innovators around the world to build solutions using data science and machine learning technologies across a range of challenge areas.
As COVID-19 has recently been declared as a pandemic, governments have issued guidance for members of the community to practice social distancing, while companies have enforced work from home policies in an effort to flatten the curve of viral infections across the population. Most schools are closed and young people are stuck indoors so why not invest some of your free time into making a difference to the world from home.
Given the isolation currently being experienced within communities right now, we want to create an online space where young people can ideate, experiment and build software solutions to help address this crisis.
Project Submission Deadline: May 3 (midnight BST for UK/Europe/Middle East/Africa and midnight 0000 PST for US/Canada/LatAm)
Virtual Judging: 4-8 May
Shortlisted 10 Teams announced - 10 May
Shortlisted 10 Teams continue working considering judges' feedback Shortlisted teams submit final work - until midnight 14 May (see timezone guidelines above)
Live Demo - 15 May (6 pm BST - we will start with teams from UK/Europe/MiddleE & Africa timezones)
We will aim to announce the top winning teams on the 15 May
April 25, 2020 - May 4, 2020