Swiss Blockchain Hackathon 2021

Location: Online

Start of the Main Part of the Hackathon on 29.10.2021 at 4pm CEST

  • You can join on your own and find a team through the mix&match features. We will help you to find a great team! Simply contact Jerome in the Discord Channel.

  • The #SBHACK21 will take place simultaneously at the Ambassador House in Zurich, at SUPSI University in Lugano, at the University of Geneva and online.

  • The renowned blockchain protocols Streamr, Velas, Algorand, Casper and NEAR will come together with corporates and developers so transfer decentralized technologies to tangible applications and business models.

  • Up to 500 hackers are expected to take on the given real-world challenges in teams. 

  • Up to 5 promising ideas will move on to the next stage and invited to design sprints with corporate partners 


Hackathon Challenges (provided by):

Find all challenges with video and descriptions here

Capital Markets:

  • Whitelisting Platform OR Backend payment gateway for crypto (Seba Bank)

  • Lending platform with white-listing (Seba Bank)


  • Stable Coin by Banks (Julius Bär)

  • Wealth management Crypto Wallet (Julius Bär)


  • NFT & Generative Art (SEBA & Lumas)

  • Cross-chain NFT Marketplace (SEBA & Lumas)

  • NFTs in Music (Casper)

  • NFT reader App (Richemont)

Manufacturing / Supply Chain / Sustainability:

  • Tracking CO2 footprint throughout the entire product life cycle (Siemens)

  • Building permit process (Nomoko) 

  • Quality certificates for components in multi-stage manufacturing processes (Bosshard)

  • Payment system for existing automated, IOT-based re-stocking supply-on-demand processes (Bosshard)

  • CO2 certificates platform based on sensor data (Fair Recycling, ZHAW) 

Self-sovereign identities:

  • Self-sovereign identities (SwissPost)


  • Gamification feature for blockchain-based city app (City Lugano)

  • Local Economy Reward (City of Lugano)

  • Decentralized value chain for agriculture/food (Canton Ticino)


  • Gaming platform for game investors, gaming competitions, NFTs (


  • Fake News Detection - Outsourcing content verification (NZZ)


  • DLT 4 Liberalizing Consumers (Swiss Federal Office of Energy)


Oct. 15, 2021 - Oct. 31, 2021


Trust Square





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