Stockport Hackathon 2017

big datanon-profit
Location: Stockport

Techies and just regular folks in the Stockport area! Are you interested in the use of technology to sift through a mass of data, comments, complaints. and enquiries about Stockport, in order to distill a cohesive view of what matters to its citizens? Do you have ideas on how to make it easier for residents of Stockport to connect with the things they care about? Stockport Council invites you to sign up to participate -- on your own or in a team -- in the Stockport Hackathon 2017. Collaborate and compete to use open data to improve Stockport's municipal government services, create new ones, and empower its residents.


March 4, 2017


Stockport Council


Fred Perry House, Stockport


Amazon Echo per member

Link to website

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