#SHR Hack 2023

Location: In-person

Welcome to #SHR Hack 2023!

This is our first ever hackathon dedicated to Ho Chi Minh City university students and comprises of two main stages: the online submissions stage and the physical hackathon stage.

Participants must register for this event in teams of 2-4 members, and submit a proposal* online (via DevPost) first. Successful participants from the online submissions round will be contacted directly to participate in the physical stage, a one-day hackathon that will take place at our official office in Ho Chi Minh city.

Important dates to note: 

  1. Online submissions period: Monday 6 February, 2023, at 9:00 AM ICT – Friday 3 March, 2023, at 11:59 PM ICT.

  2. Judging period: Monday 6 March, 2023, at 9:00 AM ICT – Wednesday 8 March, 2023, at 11:59 PM ICT.

  3. Winners of the online submission round will be contacted on Thursday 9 March – Friday 10 March, 2023.

  4. One-day physical hackathon at ShareRing's Ho Chi Minh office: Monday 27 March, 2023 from 9 AM ICT until 6 PM ICT.

*To note, the online proposal does NOT require any hacking/building. This proposal is to be focused only on the ideation, and basic explanation of how you would utilize ShareRing's toolkits and technology to create the identity solution.

About the challenge

Your goal is to build an identity solution for students on campus to better facilitate their experiences and daily digital interactions within the university.

There is great potential for the use of blockchain technology and digital identities within universities, in particular during day to day interactions students would encounter on campus.

⚙️ What to Build

We ask that you explore an interaction you would encounter on-campus that requires the provision of your identity as a student of the institution, and propose a solution that uses a combination of 2 or more of the tools or features available to you.

To learn more, here is an article by ShareRing exploring the potential use cases of blockchain and digital identities for universities. 


Feb. 5, 2023 - March 3, 2023




Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam



Link to website

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