Rowland Hall Hackathon #rhhackathon

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Location: Salt Lake City

This is a hackathon for teachers to learn and explore with technology, as well as network with other educators, makers, and industry representatives. You will explore computer science by designing and creating tech projects and discuss issues surrounding making and computer science, including curriculum design, software and equipment. The first day of the conference we will offer a guided exploration of several current topics in tech education, including coding, robotics, making, Arduinos, Raspberry Pis, MakeyMakeys, 3D printing, app development, wearable electronics, circuits, soldering, and basic woodworking. The second day of the conference we will put what you have learned into design and construct a tech project of your choosing. We will also have experts on hand to help you through the process!


June 15, 2016 - June 16, 2016



Rowland Hall Middle School, Salt Lake City


Link to website

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