Quarantine Hackathon

Location: Online


The critical situation we all are facing now due to COVID-19 high speed spread, forced many countries to apply curfew, lockdown and quarantine in general. This badly-affected the local and global economy, threatened peoples around the whole world, losing many innocent souls.

Moreover, lots of schools and universities have been stopped, and the situation is getting worse, and the world has become isolated and everything is going towards ONLINE channels now to keep social distancing.



The objective of the hackathon is to generate ideas and use technologies to find suitable solutions so that we can help people overcome the current difficult situation for example to help old people get their food without leaving home, or to trace their health status and to be shared with the nearest hospitals and more and more.



Tracks are not limited but the solutions should solve one or more challenges that recently appeared as a result of Quarantine and Lock-down decisions in all sectors

    • Health  (help the governments to trace the infections, check the health status of the patients without hospital visit, protect hospital staff,..etc)

    • Education (help teachers communicate and interact with their students by a suitable evaluation system, ..etc)

    • Business  (most industries have been affected with curfew rules and virus spread! So how we can help them overcome that crisis and save the economy as much as possible)

    • Social Life ( how people can practice their daily life in the same way before the quarantine like doing sports,...etc)

    • Environment (find a smart way to sterilize public spaces for example)



After the submission is closed, the hackathon team will filter the applications based on the submissions as they will have to make sure that everything attached is ready to be reviewed. And then the judging committee will choose top 10 teams to pass to Online Pitching Phase to decide who are the final winners.

The prize is obtained by the whole team and it is their entire responsibility to distribute it to each other.


Step 1Register (on http://ieeesightegypt.org )
Step 2Follow (Follow the instructions on the mail you will receive)
Step 3Think (Brainstorm and start working on your solution)
Step 4Submit (Send the submit)



Can I submit in more than one track?

Yes, but you sould involve your project/solution in at least one of the tracks to be regarded in evaluating and prizing processes.

What is the maximum number of the team?

In order to be eligible in prizing process, the team can have a maximum of four members. If have a large team/group, there's no problem to join but the latter rule is applied.

How do I work with my team?

As it's an online Hackathon, we are running a discord server that includes all the hackers in our hackathon where all members can communicate with each other.

You can create a github repository to host your codes (if it's software project), establish group on any suitable platform to your teammates and create a shared folder on google drive to store all files.

How long will it be?

Submission is open for three days, then hackathon is closed. Finally, announcement of winners is published after few days.


April 24, 2020 - April 27, 2020






Link to website

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