Python for Teachers: Developing Web Apps with Flask and SQLAlchemy - London

apibig data
Location: London

This is a free, hands-on workshop to enable participants to create a database driven web application with Flask (a microframework for Python) and SQLAlchemy (a Python SQL toolkit) using a Computational Thinking process. On completion, participants will be able to teach their students how to create a simple web application using Python, Flask and SQLAlchemy as part of KS3-KS5 curriculum. The workshop will cover databases, networks, web applications and GUI aspects of the KS3-KS5 CS curriculum. You will learn how to use Flask and SQLAlchemy libraries, set up Python environment. display and get data with HTML forms, work with CRUD database actions, and putting all of these together (Web app + HTML + database) to create a simple database driven web application. The workshop is open to secondary school Computer Science teachers of with a basic to intermediary level of Python programming skills. No prior experience with SQLAlchemy and Flask is required. Attendees should bring their own laptops. All attendees will receive free individual access to Codio and course materials for 12 months. The workshop duration is 3 hours including a 30 min networking session with free snacks and refreshments.


May 7, 2016



Edspace, London


Link to website

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