Le thème de ce hackathon est centrée sur la pyramide de Maslow. Celle-ci décrit la hiérarchie des besoins de l'humain. Il y 5 étages à cette pyramide, chaucn correspondant à 1 défi pour ce hackathon.
The theme of this hackathon is centered around Maslow's pyramid. This pyramid describes the hierarchy of human needs. It has 5 stages, each representing a challenge for this hackathon.
Comme décrit précédemment, les défis pour ce hackathon représentent les 5 étages de la pyramide. Il est important de ne prendre qu'un seul de ces défis.
As previously described, the challenges of this hackathon represent the 5 stages of the pyramid. It is important to only take one of these challenges.
Emploi stable/Stable employment
Maison, chambre (toît, lieu sécure)/House, room (a roof, a secured space)
Besoins d'appartenance/Belonging Needs
Interaction social/Social interaction
Appartenance à un groupe ou une communauté/Belonging to a group or community
Estime de soi/Self-esteem
Respect des autres et par les autres/Respect of and by others
Exprimer son potentiel/Express one's potential
Réaliser ses désirs/Realising one's desires
Best Domain Name from Domain.com
Register a .Tech domain name using Domain.com during the weekend for your chance to win a Domain.com branded backpack for you and each member of your team! Each team may submit one entry per person on the team. The more creative the domain the better!
Most Creative Use of GitHub
GitHub is one of the best ways to collaborate, push code, get feedback, and show the world what you’ve built during a hackathon. To take it a step further, GitHub is now offering you access to industry tools, events & learning resources through something called GitHub Global Campus. Win this weekend’s Most Creative Use of GitHub prize category, first by signing up for GitHub Global Campus and second by using a GitHub repository to host your hackathon project’s code! Make sure your use of GitHub stands out with a detailed ReadMe page, meaningful pull requests and collaboration history, and even a GitHub pages deployment!
Winners will receive a GitHub Octocat Puzzle & Sticker bundle.
Most Creative Use of Twilio
Best Use of NLP with Cohere Best Accessibility Hack sponsored by Fidelity
Feb. 4, 2023 - Feb. 5, 2023
Pavillons Pierre-Lassonde et Claudette McKay-Lassonde, 2500 Chem. de Polytechnique, Montreal, QC H3T 1J4, Canada