Neo4j Cypher Code-Golf

Location: Online

About the challenge

Neo4j Code-Golf - a gamified platform for graph data enthusiasts, developers, and students alike to go head-to-head to write the shortest Cypher query on - you guessed it - a virtual golf course. Just like golf, where the least number of strokes wins, here in the Code-Golf challenge, the cypher query with the shortest length and the least number of db_hits wins! Check out this handy blog for more details about the gamified platform.

Get started

Neo4j Code Golf is perfect for developers who are looking to hone their skills and improve their code efficiency. The contest features three different problems that must be solved using Neo4j, a graph database. The Neo4j Code Golf Contest is open to all, and we are sure that you all will find a challenge that's right for you. So what are you waiting for? Show the world what you're made of and register for the Neo4j Code Golf Contest today!

You can sign up for Beginner, Immediate or Advanced categories (or levels) and submit as many entries you like in this Code-Golf contest. Given the competition is leaderboard based, only your best score shows up on the leaderboard, so keep swinging and keep getting better at your cypher skills. There are cash prizes to be won in each category and you do not need to be a golfer to participate. Open to individual participants only and no entry fee required.

Note that: Even though you all can participate in all categories (levels) you can only win one of the categories, so choose your levels carefully :).

Code-Golf Timelines

Open for Registration06/30/2022
Close for Registration09/15/2022
Winners Announced09/22/2022


June 30, 2022 - Sept. 16, 2022







Link to website

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