NASA Space Apps Challenge Silicon Valley - West Coast MAINSTAGE

big dataindustryrobotics
Location: Palo Alto

Coders, scientists, designers, storytellers, makers, builders, and technologists in the Bay Area! You're invited to participate in the NASA Space Apps Challenge Silicon Valley - West Coast. You'll be part of a 48-hour global collaborative hackathon focused on space exploration. The theme will be solutions for the Earth -- and challenges will involve robotics, data visualization, hardware, design, and much more! You can select one of the following challenges:
1. The Earth and Us,
2. Planetary Blues,
3. Warning! Danger Ahead,
4. Our Ecological Neighborhood, and
5. Ideate and Create.


April 28, 2017 - April 30, 2017


New Man's Business Accelerator


SAP, Palo Alto


Attend Rocket Launch @ NASA Kennedy Space Center

Link to website

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