MTConnect Challenge 2

Location: Online

The MTConnect Challenge seeks to engage and stimulate development of a broader base of advanced manufacturing intelligence software applications that acquire data utilizing the MTConnect standard. The intent is to enable a more efficient and competitive domestic manufacturing infrastructure for parts and assemblies for the defense enterprise. Additionally, the objective of this Challenge is to create valuable low cost software tools and applications that can be easily adopted by manufacturing enterprises, especially the mid and lower tier producers which represent a significant portion of the Department of Defense (DoD) supply chain, to enhance their manufacturing capabilities to produce parts and assemblies.

This, the second phase of the Challenge (Challenge 2), is seeking the development of software applications that harness innovation and manufacturing intelligence breakthroughs that could benefit the DoD and their industrial manufacturing supply chain.  Three prizes will be awarded to the winning submittals in Challenge 2.


MTConnect Challenge 2: open July 1, 2013-January 31, 2014

There will be three rounds of judging:

Round 1 will select the ten (10) semi-finalists by February 21st, 2014. The semi-finalists will be announced here, on the website, as well as notification via email to the participants.

Round 2 will select the five (5) finalists by March 14th, 2014. The finalists will be announced here as well as notification via email.

Round 3 will take place at the [MC]2 Conference (April 2014) where the winners will be selected and announced.

The MTConnect Challenge is a U.S. Department of Defense - Defense-Wide Manufacturing Science and Technology (DMS&T) ManTech sponsored competition.

For details, please refer to the "Rules" tab.


July 1, 2013 - Jan. 31, 2014






Link to website

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