MicroHack 2.0

Location: Bab Ezzouar

Hackathon Description

Title: MicroHack 2.0

Location: Faculty of Computer Science, University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene, Algiers, Algeria


Welcome to the second edition of MicroHack! This event is all about using new ideas and technology to make businesses in Algeria work better. We’re looking for people who love to solve problems and invent new ways to help businesses run smoothly and securely.


Improving Business with Document Management:

This challenge calls for participants to create a comprehensive Document Management System (DMS) dedicated to the needs of Algerian businesses, integrating advanced technologies to address specific challenges. The focus is on creating innovative plugins or features that leverage AI and Blockchain to improve security, automate workflows, and provide transparent audit trails, which are particularly crucial in sectors like legal and finance.

Managing Field Tasks Efficiently:

This challenge invites participants to develop innovative task management solutions specifically designed for businesses managing operations across different locations. The solution should effectively address the unique challenges of field operations, such as geographic dispersion, varying task requirements, and the need for real-time communication and updates. By leveraging advanced technologies, the proposed system should facilitate seamless coordination and execution of field tasks, ensuring that all operations are aligned with the business's goals.

Why Join?

Learn New Skills: Work with new technologies and tackle real-world business problems.

Meet New People: Connect with other tech lovers and experts who can help you grow.

Make a Difference: Help create solutions that could really help businesses in Algeria.


April 27, 2024


Micro Club


Bab Ezzouar, Algeria



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