Magnolia HackHers 1.0

Location: Online

About the challenge

We are a local organization based in Palo Alto, and we aim to inspire interest and provide opportunities that would otherwise be inaccessible for female and non-binary individuals in CS through our hackathon event. Magnolia HackHers is a 2-day, virtual event that comprises of workshops, panels, prizes, and fun community and games to create a unique experience for individuals and be a catalyst for change in the community, and in the broader scope a fairer workplace in STEM.

Get started

Find a group of 2-3 other students, and get hacking. We urge you to pursue an innovation whether that be a website, web app, or game for social good.

If interested in participating it is mandatory you sign-up here:

If interested in partaking as a judge, workshop leader, or mentor apply here:


Feb. 25, 2023 - Feb. 26, 2023


Magnolia HackHers





Link to website

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