Luna Hacks is a 24hr based hackathon that advocates for learning by making fun and experiments. Learn how to build apps, websites or software by making them in a real-time ecosystem.
A 24 hour hackathon that encourages you to learn by making fun using technology.
Everyone can be a maker, no matter what your age. Join us for a day full of fun, creativity and learning. Create something tangible to show the world!
Join us for our annual hackathon, Luna Hacks. We'll be providing food and drinks (including a bar, candy bar, and pizza) so you can focus on building rad stuff! Food, drink, prizes, and an amazing venue will await you and your team. What are you waiting for?
Postman challenges
1. Beginner Level Challenges
Creating and Testing API Requests
Use Postman to create and test API requests for the OpenWeatherMap API. Build a collection of API requests that fetch weather data for a given location, display the data in a user-friendly way using Postman Visualizer, and handle error responses. The API requests should include at least one GET request and one POST request. The user should be able to input a location and receive the weather data for that location.
Deliverables: A Postman collection containing the API requests and their responses. A detailed README file that includes instructions on how to use the API requests, how to input a location, and how to handle error responses.
Submission: Share the link to the Postman collection on a GitHub repository.
Evaluation Criteria: The Postman collection should include all the necessary API requests. The requests should handle errors effectively. The requests should display weather data in a user-friendly way. The README file should be detailed and easy to follow.
Creating a Simple RESTful API
Use Postman to create a simple RESTful API using JSONPlaceholder API. Build an API that allows users to create, read, update, and delete posts. The API should include at least one GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE request. The API should be documented using Swagger or OpenAPI.
Deliverables: A Postman collection containing the API requests and their responses. A brief document describing how to run the API locally.
Submission: Share the link to the Postman collection and the documentation in a GitHub repository.
Evaluation Criteria: The API should be functional and meet all the requirements outlined in the objective. The API should be well-designed, easy to understand and maintain. The API should be well-documented and easy to use. The code should be clean, well-organized and easy to read.
Creating Automated Tests
Objective: Use Postman to create automated tests for the API requests created in Challenge 1. Build a collection of tests that verify the functionality of the API requests. The tests should include at least one test for each API request.
Deliverables: A Postman collection containing the API requests and the automated tests.
Submission: Share the link to the Postman collection on a GitHub repository.
Evaluation Criteria: The Postman collection should include all the necessary API requests and tests. The tests should verify the functionality of the API requests effectively. The tests should handle errors effectively.
2. Intermediate Level Challenges
Spotify API
Objective: Build a Postman collection that interacts with the Spotify API. The collection should be able to search for tracks, albums, and playlists, get the details of a track, and create a new playlist.
The collection should include the following requests:
Search for tracks, albums, and playlists. Get the details of a track. Create a new playlist. Use environment variables to store the Spotify API credentials. Use Postman Visualizer to display the response data of the search for tracks, albums, and playlists requests.
Deliverables: A Postman collection that includes the required requests. A Postman environment with the Spotify API credentials. A Postman Visualizer page displaying the response data of the search for tracks, albums, and playlists requests.
Submission: Share a link to the Postman collection. Share a link to the Postman environment.
Evaluation Criteria: The collection should be able to perform all the required requests. The collection should use environment variables to store the Spotify API credentials. The collection should display the response data of the search for tracks, albums, and playlists requests using Postman Visualizer. The code should be well-organized, easy to read, and maintain.
Twilio API
Objective: Build a Postman collection that interacts with the Twilio API. The collection should be able to send SMS messages and make phone calls.
Requirements: The collection should include the following requests: Send an SMS message. Make a phone call. Use environment variables to store the Twilio API credentials. Use Postman Visualizer to display the response data of the send SMS message and make phone call requests.
Deliverables: A Postman collection that includes the required requests. A Postman environment with the Twilio API credentials. A Postman Visualizer page displaying the response data of the send SMS message and make phone call requests.
Submission: Share a link to the Postman collection. Share a link to the Postman environment.
Evaluation Criteria:
The collection should be able to perform all the required requests. The collection should use environment variables to store the Twilio API credentials. The collection should display the response data of the send SMS message and make phone call requests using Postman Visualizer. The code should be well-organized, easy to read, and maintain.
GitHub API
Objective: Build a Postman collection that interacts with the GitHub API. The collection should be able to retrieve user information, create and update gists, and list repositories.
Requirements: The collection should include the following requests: Retrieve user information. Create and update gists. List repositories. Use environment variables to store the GitHub API credentials. Use Postman Visualizer to display the response data of the retrieve user information, create and update gists, and list repositories requests.
Deliverables: A Postman collection that includes the required requests. A Postman environment with the GitHub API credentials. A Postman Visualizer page displaying the response data of the retrieve user information, create and update gists, and list repositories requests.
Submission: Share a link to the Postman collection. Share a link to the Postman environment.
Evaluation Criteria: The collection should be able to perform all the required requests. The collection should use environment variables to store the GitHub API credentials. The collection should display
3. Expert Level Challenges
Build a Continuous Integration Pipeline for a REST API
Objective: Use Postman and a CI/CD tool like Jenkins or CircleCI to build a continuous integration pipeline for a REST API. Your pipeline should include linting, unit testing, integration testing, and deployment steps. Submission: Submit your Postman collection, your pipeline configuration files, and a brief writeup explaining your pipeline strategy.
Evaluation Criteria: We will evaluate the completeness and effectiveness of your pipeline, as well as the accuracy and completeness of your tests. We will also evaluate the robustness and security of your deployment strategy.
Build an Automated API Test Suite with Visual Regression Testing
Objective: Use Postman and Applitools to build an automated API test suite that includes visual regression testing. Your tests should verify not only that the API endpoints return the expected data, but also that the UI components that consume that data are rendered correctly.
Submission: Submit your Postman collection, the scripts used to execute the tests, and a brief writeup explaining your testing strategy.
Evaluation Criteria: We will evaluate the completeness and accuracy of your test suite, as well as the effectiveness of your visual regression tests in catching UI-related bugs.
Feb. 25, 2023
Luna Hacks
Nakuru, Kenya