Local Hack Day: Share Weekend

Location: Online

Please note, not all challenges are submitted on Devpost. If you don't see the challenge you're submitting for here, check the live site and your inbox to see where you should claim your points. 

What is Local Hack Day: Share?

Local Hack Day: Share is a week-long celebration of sharing everything you’ve learned as a hacker. If you’ve been hacking with us all year, we’re excited to have you back. If this is your very first event, we’ve got a ton of beginner-friendly challenges for you to complete that’ll have you shipping your hack like a pro in no time. You’ll have your pick of technical, design, and social challenges to complete - each with an emphasis on sharing your work. The more challenges you conquer, the more points you’ll earn. Tune in each day to check out the leaderboards and share what you’ve built. To start hacking at LHD: Share, register here. 

What are these Challenges?

Local Hack Day: Share will run from Sunday, March 28th to Monday, April 5th. During this time, you can expect challenges for all skill levels. We will have plenty of both week-long and daily challenges to keep you busy. Week-long challenges will be accessible for the entire week, so you can hack on them whenever you have free time. Daily challenges are only available for 24 hours after they’re originally posted, so make sure you come back each day to see which challenges you’re going to conquer. 

Challenges will range from social challenges urging you to connect with other members of the community, technical challenges that will expand your coding skills, and design challenges to refine your skills as a creator and artist. We cannot wait to see all you learn, build, and share. 

How do I earn points and swag?

We know what you’re excited for at LHD: Share. We’ve got some awesome stickers and swag ready to go for every participant. It’s simpler than ever for you to earn your swag.

After you’ve completed our registration challenges, you’ll have earned yourself;

- An MLH Sticker
- An Ellie Season Sticker
- A Local Hack Day: Share Hexagon Sticker
- A Thank You Postcard

Check-in each day to earn;

- A super secret set of bonus hexagon stickers!

If you still aren’t satiated on swag, while supplies last, you will receive; 

- An MLH & Capital One Face Masks

 What is a Guild? How can I be a part of it?

One of the best parts of our community is that it allows people to meet and make connections with others, regardless of where you live. guilds are smaller communities within Local Hack Day.  Whether you come in with a guild or not, you won’t be hacking alone. 


April 2, 2021 - April 5, 2021


Major League Hacking





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