Linera Developer Summer School 2023

Location: Online

Linera Developer Summer School 2023

Celebrating the release of the first iteration of the Linera SDK, the Linera team is hosting our first developer program to help you get started building on the protocol! This program will give you an early preview of what it’s like building on a highly scalable Layer 1. Inspired by research at Meta, the Linera protocol hopes to introduce the next paradigm shift in web3 programming.

Become an early member of the Linera community and build alongside the project as we develop towards our devnet, testnet, and mainnet. The journey begins with us at Developer Summer School, where you’ll build a web3 application that runs locally using Linera’s initial SDK. Create an application in DeFi, gaming, web3 social, or anything else that interests you!

This program is designed to empower motivated developers, regardless of their skill level in Rust, to be at the forefront of a technology that introduces novel innovations in the blockchain domain. Participants will: 

  • Gain practical experience with the Linera SDK and web3 programming 

  • Receive comprehensive training on the Linera tech stack

  • Participate in live, interactive workshops, led by Linera engineers

  • Meet the Linera community and build alongside other Linera developers

  • Have a chance to win prizes from a total pool of $10,000.

During this hackathon, you will have a month to collaborate, explore, and build together with the Linera community and connect with leading developers from the Linera core team.

The Linera Developer Summer School runs from June 23rd to July 23rd, 2023 with pre-registrations open now! Sign up now to get a headstart, start getting to know the community, and receive program specific updates and reminders.

Join us at the kick-off call on June 28th, 2023 @ 12pm ET!

Check out the full schedule and head over to our Resources page for submission ideas and other documentation!

About Linera 

Initially inspired by the low-latency payment protocol FastPay developed at Meta, Linera is a layer-1 blockchain protocol designed to bring the elastic scaling of web2 to web3.

Linera introduces the idea of operating many lightweight chains, called microchains, in parallel in the same set of validators. Microchains communicate instantly using the internal network of each validator. Compared to traditional multi-chain systems, a benefit of running all the microchains in the same set of validators is that creating chains does not impact the security model.

In Linera, a validator is an elastic web2-like service that validates and executes all the chains. We call this the integrated multi-chain approach. The number of microchains present in the Linera system is theoretically unlimited. This is possible because only the chains being actively extended with new blocks require work from validators. Linera encourages validators to use data centers or cloud infrastructure to unlock elastic scaling and benefit from standard production environments.

To ensure decentralization, the Linera protocol uses proof-of-stake mechanisms together with scalable auditing procedures. Each microchain can also be separately executed on commodity hardware. This allows the network to be audited by the community in a distributed way to ensure full accountability of validators. 

The aim is to make it as easy as possible for developers to build on Linera. The programming model of Linera does not depend on a specific programming language. We are using WebAssembly (Wasm) and Rust for the initial execution layer of Linera.

We’re looking forward to having you join us at the beginning of this journey. In this program, you’ll learn directly from our core team and work with an early version of our SDK. Your project will be among the first web3 applications built on this new architecture. You’ll be joining fellow programmers and lifelong learners. At present, Linera does not yet have a devnet, testnet, mainnet, or token. 

By making multi-chain programming fast and scalable, we believe that a paradigm shift comparable to the evolution of databases from SQL to NoSQL is necessary for future decentralized systems to provide low-latency guarantees at arbitrary scale. We are excited to see how developers take advantage of this unique architecture and performance capabilities.

Learn more about the project and architecture:


June 23, 2023 - July 23, 2023







Link to website

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