Lenovo Scholar Network 2019 National App Development Competition

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Lenovo’s partnership with the NAF brings a robust mobile app development curriculum and delivery program to NAF academies. The Lenovo Scholar Network, now in its fifth year, is designed to provide high school students with an intensive application development program to enable the next generation of developers and entrepreneurs. The Lenovo Scholar Network encourages greater interest among underserved high school students in STEM subjects while providing them with skills to succeed in the 21st century.

Students use the MIT App Inventor service developed by the Center for Mobile Learning at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), a joint project of the MIT Media Lab and MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, to develop their apps. Teachers receive additional support from including access to MIT’s self-guided teacher course on App Inventor, introductory webinars and an in-person training with App Inventor staff, and regular open office hours with a MIT master trainer.

This year nearly 6,000 NAF students from more than 120 academies across the United States are participating in mobile app develop project. Academies were selected by NAF through a competitive application process.

Participating academies are hosting local contests and showcases in early March. Each academy will enter two apps into the national competition. Judges will select the five best apps and the student teams who developed these apps will win a trip to Detroit, Michigan, to be recognized at NAF Next, NAF’s signature annual conference, for their achievements.

More information can be found at lenovoscholars.com, including the winning apps from the 2018 cometition.


Feb. 20, 2019 - March 29, 2019







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