Lehigh Hacks for Change

Location: Bethlehem

--- Registration is now CLOSED --- 

Please note that despite the ability to still sign up, we have CLOSED registration. We exported the list of participants, and will be manually removing anyone who signs up after the deadline. We apologize for any inconvenience, but we have already placed shirt orders amongst other things that we needed a final head count to finalize.


About the challenge

Lehigh Hacks for Change is a hackathon that will be held at Lehigh University and is exclusively open to Lehigh University students. The theme of the event is "Software for preventing climate change." This hackathon aims to bring together students at Lehigh University who are interested in computer science and software development to work on innovative solutions that can help mitigate the effects of climate change.

Participants will have the opportunity to work in teams to develop software projects that address environmental issues such as renewable energy, carbon emissions, and resource conservation. There will be workshops leading up to the event and a guest speaker to help attendees learn about the latest technologies and approaches for addressing these challenges.

In addition to the hackathon, there will be networking opportunities with the judges during brunch on Sunday. Participants will also get a unique free Hack for Change T-Shirt!

Lehigh Hacks for Change is an exciting opportunity for Lehigh University students to collaborate with their peers, learn new technologies, and make a difference by using their skills to address environmental issues. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, this hackathon is an exciting opportunity to make a positive impact.



Saturday, April 1st

9:30-10:00 amStudents arrive and check-in
10:00-11:00 amIntroduction speech, rules
11:00 amHackathon tasks are released
11:00 am-12:30 pmTeams work
12:30 pmLunch provided (sandwiches from The Goose!)
12:30 pm - 10:00 pmTeams work, building C is open until 10 pm

Sunday, April 2nd

11:00 amSubmissions are due
11:00 am - 12:00 pmBrunch with judges
12:00 pm - 1:00 pmJudges evaluate submissions and participants network
1:00 pm - 1:30 pmWinners are announced, and closing remarks



Transportation will be provided from lower campus (exact location TBD) to Mountaintop Building C each morning before the event begins. The bus will come every 15 minutes between the following times:

  • Saturday, April 1 from 9:00 am - 10:00 am

  • Sunday, April 2 from 10:30 am - 11:30 am

To get from Building C back to lower campus, you can use campus connector. Campus connector runs every 15 minutes from 10am - 12am. See Lehigh's transportation site for more information: Lehigh Bus Routes

Additionally, if you have a car and would prefer to drive yourself, there is metered parking in the parking lot near the entrance to Building C.

Registration Details

Registration closed on Sunday, March 12th.

Forming teams for the hackathon works as follows: when you first sign up, every participant must create a devpost account and register for our hackathon as an individual. After the registration deadline (March 12th), there will be a two week window of time for participants to form teams on devpost. More details will be sent out to participants on March 13th explaining exactly how to form teams. At the end of the two week period (March 24th), if any individuals have not joined a team (completely acceptable!) then we will form random teams out of the remaining individuals.


March 22, 2023 - April 2, 2023


Lehigh CSBA, WiCS, LCC & LBC


113 Research Dr, Bethlehem, PA 18015, USA



Link to website

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