Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony - Hack The Orchestra

Location: Kitchener

Prizes have total cash value of $5,000

The Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony has partnered with Communitech to organize “Hack the Orchestra” - the first hackathon in the world to give hackers a full professional orchestra and superb concert hall to work with.

This 36-hour hackathon is being held in the heart of Canada's tech mecca and is open to young and less young - students and seasoned software developers. Hackers get to work with the full Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony, Music Director Edwin Outwater, guest conductor Carlos Izcaray, Centre In The Square tech crew and others. The KWS plans to demo the winning solutions during a set of KWS concerts in September, 2015.

Hackers do not need a music background. The software and/or hardware solutions could potentially be used to enhance the experience of any type of live performance in venues everywhere!


Get your brand in front of the tech mecca of Canada. Become a sponsor today! Limited sponsorship available. Visit 


Please contact [email protected] to help out for any length of time. 



May 22 Centre In The Square (CITS)

5:00 pm registration and orientation dinner at Centre In The Square (CITS);

6:00 pm keynote address

  • select sponsors address hackers

  • competition organizers give an overview of the evening’s concert and the weekend’s competition;

  • presentation of what the KWS has tried technically before (what worked, what didn’t)

  • competition rules are reviewed

  • the problem to be resolved is announced

7:00 pm pre-concert lecture (Theatre, CITS)

8:00 pm concert “Beethoven’s Eroica” (details: )

10:30 pm pre-formed teams are assigned workstations, independent hackers record his/her proposed solution on a stickie and posts it under the appropriate general category;  teams of 4 hackers each are formed based on similar interests in a particular solution; newly-formed teams are assigned to specific work areas and assemble there; 11:00 pm Competition begins and continues overnight

May 23

9:00 am Breakfast

10:30 am KWS demo/Q&A session with full orchestra and guest conductor, starts with a brief demonstration, then the orchestra and conductor are available for questions, requested demonstrations, etc.; CITS lighting and audio crew available for consultation. KWS Music Director, Edwin Outwater, available for consultation via Internet video call (from Milwaukee)

11:30 - 12:15 pm Orchestra break; social time for hackers with musicians

12:15 - 1:00 pm orchestra demos / prototype testing as requested by hackers

1:00 pm orchestra dismissed

1:00 pm Kik lunch

1:00 pm - 5 pm Various workshops and sponsor presentations scheduled through the afternoon

6:00 pm Dinner

  Competition continues through the night

May 24   

9:00 am Breakfast

10:30 - 11:30 am Brief presentations by each team to the judges;

11:30 - 12:00 pm 3 finalists selected; awards distributed

12:00 pm Final speeches; Hack the Orchestra  closes


September 25/26, 2015

Demonstration of winning projects during KWS “Beethoven Marathon” concert at Centre In The Square



Hack the Orchestra will supply basic hardware: 

-  24 Myo armbands that developers (on loan) with some on-site engineering support

- Arduino microcontoller

- solderless breadboard and wires

- an assortment of LEDs

- small assortment of buttons and switches

- small 3.5mm cable to take apart to use to plug into a speaker

- small microphone ( a sound sensor not an actual mic)

- small servo motors

Participants may bring their own hardware to work with, but it may not be assembled prior to the official start of the hackathon. 


May 22, 2015 - May 24, 2015



36 King Street West, Kitchener, ON N2G 1A3, Canada



Link to website

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