J On The Beach Hackathon

machine learning
Location: In-person

Build the most interesting and innovative application using InterSystems IntegratedML -- in-database automated machine learning, the simplest way to create, deploy and use ML models to power next-generation intelligent applications. 

InterSystems will provide free access to cloud-hosted accounts, and onsite and online mentors' support.



May 8, Preparation day

15 h Online pre-vent workshop: Introduction to InterSystems  and IntegratedML introduction 

Get ready for your hack – join the online webinar to learn how to start with IntegratedML, ask your question and brainstorm ideas for your project. 

May 10 Hackathon day 

8 - 8:30 am Registration and Getting together 

9- 9:15 am  Introduction 

- Basics of the hackathon (Logistics, rules, teams, etc.) 

- Tech demo 

9:15 - 10 am Team formation & Ideation 

10 am - 19 Hacking begins 

19 h Project submission deadline 

19 - 20 h Showtime! Projects pitching 

20 - 20:30 h Projects evaluation 

20:30 h - Winners announcement 

Food and drinks will be provided during the hackathon.  

Teams can choose their times for breaks on their own. 


Everyone is the winner - each hackathon participant will get a nice HYDRAPEAK ACTIVE 24oz Water Bottle! 

1st place: ​

€350 Amazon.es Gift Cards / each team member​

4 tickets for J On The Beach '23 or '24​

4 annual personal subscriptions for a Jet Brains IDE of choice 

2nd place: JBL Pulse 4 Light Show Speaker / each team member 

3rd place: Backpack Swiss Peak + Earbuds swiss peak / each team member 

Food and drinks included.


April 11, 2023 - May 7, 2023


J On The Beach


Palacio de Exposiciones, Av. de José Ortega y Gasset, 201, 29006 Málaga, Spain



Link to website

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