IoTHackDay 2015

Location: Saint Paul


#IoTHackDay will occur on Oct 17th at Minnetronix. Teams compete from 8am to 8pm to build the most innovative solution that they can. The cutoff for your team to enter has passed, but you can still reach out to us and register to join an exisiting team. Contact us at admins[at] if you would like to participate.

Additionally, if you would rather just attend during the evening, see what teams are building and help to vote on the winning team, register for FREE as a public voting attendee at:


#IoTHackDay is a fun, FREE day that brings together teams, novel ideas, and an entrepreneurial spirit to dream up and build cool new devices to solve every day problems. Teams submit their ideas and build their teams ahead of the event!

After hacking for 12 hours, at 8:00 pm on Oct 17th we will have an audience vote were the top teams receive hardware and prizes! 


Do you have kids who might like to participate in hacking their own halloween costume? For a small fee of $20, join the LED Costumes event going on during #IoTHackDay!

Kids (and adults)... come that day to the same location and learn how to create your own glowing costumes! We will have sample materials to create LED glowing costumes that you can program with a low cost Arduino computer.

It's going to be an absolute blast! Registration and additional information for the LED Costumes project can be found at:­


Interested in sponsoring? We would love ot hear from you! Find out all about sponsorship opportunites and how you can help at:



Aug. 6, 2015 - Oct. 3, 2015



1635 Energy Park Dr, St Paul, MN 55108, USA



Link to website

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