IoT Hackday 2020 - CANCELLED

iotmachine learning
Location: Online

Update Posted 10/23 : 

Greetings fellow IoT Hackday Members!

While we had the best of intentions and were hopeful that we could still hold this event virtually, it's with deep great regret that we are canceling the IoT Hackday 2020 - PROJECT TRACK. We will still be holding the LEARNING TRACK on using TensorFlow for image classification, and encourage all of you that were planning to build a project to instead join us tomorrow morning, Saturday, October 24th at 10:30 AM CDT!

To register and join us please visit:

We look forward to future hackathons in the areas of the Internet of Things and Applied AI / Machine Learning! In that spirit, please continue to join is at future Applied AI monthly meetups and events on the first Thursday of each month. Our next event is Thursday, Nov 5th. Details are at:

This is a hard decision for all of us and we appreciate your understanding. If we did an event, we wanted to make sure we could put it on and were able to meet the high standards from previous years. The IoT Hackday will be back in 2021, bigger and more beautiful than ever!

- IoT Hackday & Applied AI Team



IoTHackDay is Minnesota’s annual hack day for inventors and hobbyists working on the Internet of Things!

Please use #IoTHackday and tag @IoTHackday!

Note: Please keep team sizes to no more than 6 participants

The details - Time & Logistics

  • October 15th @ 6:00 pm - ATTEND THIS! Informational meeting for those who are looking to learn more about how the competition works. If you are not on team, but looking to join one, if you have an idea and are a team captain and have created a project on DevPost, come a recruit team members!

  • Oct 24th @ 10:00 am - Hackathon Kickoff! Discuss your project with other teams, outline what you are planning to build and get positive energy for the community!

  • Oct 31st @ 10:00 am - Hackathon check-in! Join that morning and share what challenges you might be encountering, help others who might be having issues.

  • Nov 7th @ 10:00 am - Final presentations, judging and awards given!

  • Kids: Do you have kids that would like to get "hands-on" learning programming and building fun and exciting projects with lights? For $20 you can join the LED Costumes event going on during IoTHackDay. This is a separate event for kids, yourself or anyone else in your family to attend. Register here!


Sept. 22, 2020 - Oct. 22, 2020






Link to website

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