International Create Challenge

machine learning
Location: Martigny

Registration is closed

Thank you all for submitting your great project ideas. The registration is now closed as we have selected the 10 teams who will be participating to ICC in Martigny.

IMPORTANT : Please, do not submit your project if you are not one of the 10 selected teams. We will not review your submission. Thank you for your understanding.


ICC 9th Edition brings up a new challenge

A 9-day AI SUPER HACKATHON to transform your ideas into prototypes!

The International Create Challenge provides the perfect place and resources to drive ideas into prototypes and demonstrators, offering attractive prizes as well as advice and support from technology and AI experts.


From 22 to 30 August 2020


Idiap Research Institute, Centre du Parc, Rue Marconi 19, 1920 Martigny, Switzerland


Why AI ?

Today, AI is one of the most active and promising application domain in the computer science field. Thanks to data analysis, it can help us face many challenges in our society, such as in healthcare, or environmental issues.

The ICC takes place in the heart of the Idiap Research Institute, one of the most active independent research center in AI and information technology. Its activities encompass research, training, and technology transfer activities following a common vision: Artificial Intelligence for Society.


Take part in one of the most intense hackathon ever held in the field of AI.

While other regular hackathons last only a few days, our AI Super Hackathon offers 9 days of intense development on-site. You will go further and deeper in your achievement to create a working demo or prototype of your idea.

Only the best ideas are selected and get the chance to participate in this challenge.



Aug. 22, 2020 - Aug. 31, 2020



Rue Marconi 19, 1920 Martigny, Switzerland



Link to website

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