Inclusive Tech 24"

Location: In-person

Inclusive Tech 24" is a groundbreaking event poised to revolutionize the landscape of technology by fostering inclusivity, innovation, and collaboration. This event is a celebration of technological prowess, diversity, and the power of collective creativity.


Our vision for Inclusive Tech 24 is simple yet powerful: to create an environment where technology knows no bounds, where diversity is celebrated, and where innovation thrives. We aim to transcend barriers, embracing individuals from all walks of life to come together and craft solutions that redefine the future of technology.

Event Highlights:

1. Hackathon Extravaganza: The heart of the event, our hackathon offers a dynamic platform for participants to unleash their creativity. Divided into two stimulating tracks—Prototype UI/UX and MVP Demo—participants will harness their skills to build innovative products utilizing sponsor technologies. Whether forging the next-gen user interface or engineering a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), the hackathon will be a crucible of innovation.

2. Tech Talks and Keynotes: Engaging sessions featuring industry pioneers and thought leaders will illuminate the latest trends, emerging technologies, and the importance of inclusivity in shaping the tech landscape. Inspirational keynotes will invigorate attendees, offering insights and perspectives that challenge conventional thinking.

3. Interactive Workshops: Practical and immersive workshops will equip participants with the tools and knowledge necessary to excel in their technological pursuits. From coding sprints to design thinking sessions, these workshops will be a crucible for skill enhancement and idea generation.

4. Networking Extravaganza: An integral part of Inclusive Tech 24, this event will provide unparalleled networking opportunities. Participants, sponsors, and industry experts will converge, fostering connections and collaborations that transcend geographical boundaries.


"Innovate, Collaborate, and Embrace Diversity" encapsulates the ethos of this event. It's a call to action, urging participants to leverage their diverse perspectives and technological expertise to create solutions that resonate globally.


Inclusive Tech 24 isn't just an event; it's a catalyst for change. By fostering an environment where inclusivity reigns supreme, we aim to birth groundbreaking ideas and initiatives that have the power to transform societies and industries.

What is Beepo?

Beepo is a decentralized Social Neobank simplifying access to web3. Beepo emphasizes making web3 innovations easily accessible to the masses while tackling the hurdles and steep learning curve associated with adoption. Utilizing cutting-edge Multiparty Computation Algorithms, Beepo can onboard users to a Web3-powered Social Neobank with a Web2 flow. 

Beepo isn't merely a web3 product; it represents an expansive ecosystem rooted in the core values of inclusivity and diversity. This fundamental belief has propelled Beepo to forge impactful partnerships, surpassing 30 collaborations with leading organizations across both the web3 and web2 domains. Noteworthy allies in this journey include stalwarts like Microsoft, AWS, Hackernoon, Concordium, and Vestbee.

The recognition of Beepo's potential was further underscored by its selection as a participant in the prestigious AWS Global Fintech Accelerator Program, a testament to its innovation and promise in the industry.

Central to Beepo's mission is the cultivation of a more cohesive and inclusive community. This commitment has led to a strategic alliance with Hernovate, a community dedicated to empowering women. Through a series of meticulously designed events, activities, and workshops, Beepo collaborates with Hernovate to provide a nurturing environment for women, facilitating their seamless integration into the world of Web3 innovations and the broader technological landscape. This initiative aims to mitigate biases and hurdles, ensuring equal opportunities for women to thrive in the technological sphere without facing prejudicial barriers.

What is Hernovate?

Hernovate, situated in the vibrant city of Akure within the Ondo State of Nigeria, represents an innovative and pioneering women-led tech community. Born from a strategic collaboration between Emerging Communities Africa, Akure Tech Hub, and the proactive support of the Ondo State Government, Hernovate stands as a testament to the power of collective initiatives aimed at empowering women in technology.

Nestled within the heart of Akure, Hernovate serves as a beacon, addressing the critical need for gender inclusivity in the tech landscape. It's a dynamic platform meticulously designed to dismantle barriers that have historically hindered women's seamless entry and progression within the technology sector. This community-driven initiative aims to provide tailored support, resources, and opportunities, ensuring that women have equal footing and representation in the ever-evolving world of technology.


Concordium is a blockchain project designed to address issues of privacy, identity, and transparency in the digital world. It aims to create a blockchain network that enables privacy through zero-knowledge proofs while still allowing for regulatory compliance.

The key features of Concordium include identity management, enabling users to attach real-world identities to their blockchain activities while maintaining privacy through cryptographic techniques. It also emphasizes the importance of compliance with regulations by integrating features that allow for transparency and auditability while preserving user privacy.

The project has gained attention for its focus on creating a blockchain platform that can be used in regulated industries, providing a balance between privacy and compliance—a critical aspect often seen as a challenge in blockchain technology.




Jan. 14, 2024 - Jan. 27, 2024


Beepo Inc


T I Francis auditorium, Ipinsa 340110, Ondo, Nigeria



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