ImpactHack 2025

beginnermachine learningsocial
Location: Glasgow

About the challenge

ImpactHack is a 2-day hackathon taking place in Glasgow, Scotland in November 2025. This event aims to link young talent in the fields of mathematics, statistics, computer science and tech with non-profit organizations requiring data analytics, tools and technology creation and development.

Students will be given 2 days to work on a problem within one of the following topics, each of which will be linked to a non-profit organization. The organization will present their problem and any available data. Students will be able to discuss their proposed solution with representatives from the organization, as well as on-hand experts, to help them develop an impactful product. There will also be short workshops available for students to attend throughout the weekend to develop programming and analytical skills to aid them, and find out more about the career paths available in third-sector tech.



  1. Reporting
    Eligible topics include requirement of data analytics, visualizations or creation of data
    collection tools to quantify charitable impact for funding applications, advertisement

  2. Technology Creation
    Eligible topics include creation of internal tools to aid day-to-day operations for
    example automation of communications, logistical planning, data-collection tools,
    data management platforms, apps for internal analytics or research labelling tools.

  3. Data analytics and Research
    Eligible topics include analytics of internal data for research or impact quantification
    purposes, creation of research tools or research design, and statistical analysis or
    creation of statistical tools for research validation.

  4. User Interface and Public Engagement
    Eligible topics include creation, improvement or optimisation of website, webtools or
    donation platforms, the streamlining of public messaging, public engagement
    analytics, and optimisation.

  5. Technology Informed Logistics
    Eligible topics include decision mathematics for design of optimal pathways,
    technology-aided triaging, optimal resource allocation and resource management.



Nov. 22, 2025 - Nov. 23, 2025


university of strathclyde


16 Richmond St, Glasgow G1 1XQ, UK



Link to website

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