HackTrain 2.0

Location: London

Remember that in order to attend to the hackathon you need to apply at http://hacktrain.com

HackTrain is the world's largest initiative to #HackTheRails! An unforgettable experience where the world's most skillful programmers, designers and entrepreneurs will be selected to create unique apps, websites and software whilst on an immersive first class journey across top technology ecosystems in Europe! Nothing can stop innovation when travelling at 200km/h. Watch our last hackathon journey at https://www.facebook.com/thehacktrain/videos/vb.621526587993573/674179579394940/?type=3&theater

What makes the HackTrain hackathon unique is our thorough focus on impact in the industry. The HackTrain brings together the world's most driven, skilled, and bold developers, designers and entrepreneurs, and provides them with an immersive environment to build high-impact solutions to solve burnign problems in the industry. This, together with the help of our industry partners, ignites creativity, and allows our Trainhackers to conceive, build and launch scalable startups that provide scalable long-term solutions that have the potential to grow and truly have an impact on the world.

Crazy? Definitely! Impossible? Not even close! HackTrain alumni have managed to build prototypes at the hackathon that reached headlines in high profile news headlines, exited by selling to railway companies, obtained access as advisors to boards in railway companies, and continued growing their projects forward.



Nov. 20, 2015 - Nov. 28, 2015



London, UK



Link to website

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