HackTM 2016

Location: Timișoara

HackTM is the Timișoara super-sized software & hardware development hackathon
aiming to mobilise as many developers as possible. It targets the people and organisations
active in IT, automotive and other tech industries, from Timișoara and its surroundings.
It’s a de-focused hackathon, creating opportunities of creative thinking and action for all
those interested, in the following development tracks:

  • Smart City

  • Education

  • Game Development

  • Robotics

  • IoT

  • eHealth

  • FinTech

  • Miscellaneous/Open

We’ll build the environment and atmosphere for about 50 hours of hacking, discontinued
or non-stop, with mentoring support, in a wide open-floor and well fitted venue. And for
the first time this year, we will kick off the hackathon on Friday morning with a day filled
with talks, technical presentations and networking opportunities. This will give the
participants the perfect opportunity to build teams, find ideas and learn new things.


May 20, 2016 - May 21, 2016



Strada Alexandru Vaida - Voievod 2, Timișoara, Romania



Link to website

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