Hacking for Humanity 2023 | Nepal

Location: Nepal

Experience the power of young, strong, and brilliant women

Connect with fellow like-minded women from the tech industry and work on solutions towards making lives better by means of tech. We might be less in numbers, but we’re no less capable. This year, Hacking for Humanity is co-organized with the SHEQUAL Foundation and Women in Big Data Nepal and will take place in person from Friday, February 10 to Sunday, February 12, 2023.

Who can join?

We invite every female across Nepal who wants to learn, test out her wild ideas, work in teams with fellow women from across the country, build and test out prototypes, and ultimately make a positive impact through the means of technology. This includes young women from all walks of life.

Participation in the event is FREE and open to females only. The participants must be at least 16 years old at the time of registration and be able to attend the event in person in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Note: A limited number of seats are available (16 teams) and applicants will be selected based on their skills, background, initial idea submission, and motivation to ensure a deserving and diverse participant pool. Applicants will be informed about their participation by February 1. Only confirmed participants are eligible for the event.

About the event

Hacking for Humanity is an all-female 3-day hackathon where developers, designers, students, entrepreneurs, educators, and mentors work together to build apps that solve social problems. When women from diverse backgrounds work together, they don’t just do good —they become a force for global change.

The Hacking for Humanity series happens around the world at Girls in Tech chapters throughout the year. Each chapter partners with Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs) and companies to solve social problems local to their community. As a result, solutions are built by the local girls in the tech community, for their local community.

At Girls in Tech’s Hacking for Humanity, participants get hands-on experience, make friends, network, and be a part of a community. After an introductory session on the assignment and the chosen platform, each team spends the majority of the hackathon coding. Teams build both web and mobile applications, flesh out ideas for software and hardware, use data visualization, and much more. Mentors from local companies also volunteer to help guide the products, troubleshoot coding challenges, and work with teams to bring their ideas into real life!

At the end of the competition, each team has the opportunity to pitch their solutions to an experienced panel of judges. And yes, there is a prize for the winning team! After the winning team has been awarded, participants and volunteers celebrate their achievements!

Here's what will happen:

  • The hackers will register as a group of three from Feb 16, 2022 to Jan 15, 2022. Each team needs to submit an abstract and a 1-minute elevator pitch video in your application.

  • Each team shall receive selection information from Girls in Tech Nepal by Jan 1.

  • A representative from the selected teams will register on DevPost.

  • All team members will get the finale event tickets from Eventbrite.

  • Your team will attend the finale in a designated venue from Feb 10 to Feb 12. Winners will be announced on Feb 12.



Feb. 9, 2023 - Feb. 12, 2023


Girls in Tech Nepal


Lalitpur, Nepal



Link to website

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