
Location: South Hadley

HackHolyoke is an inclusive, 200-person hackathon that strives to unite young innovators from a variety of backgrounds. We believe that HackHolyoke is a 24-hour slice of what the world should look like as our generation uses technology to improve society and the economy: a diverse collection of motivated, curious, creative individuals, who are excited to collaborate on solutions to the problems found in various fields.

Held at Mount Holyoke College, the oldest women's college in the nation, HackHolyoke shairs the same spritit by being the first women's college to host a hackathon. HackHolyoke was the first to achieve and continues to achieve a one to one ratio of female to male hackers, emphasizing the important notion that all genders can succeed in engineering.


Nov. 11, 2017 - Nov. 12, 2017



50 College St, South Hadley, MA 01075, USA



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