HackED Society's Decodeathon

Location: Online

Welcome to HackED Society's Decodeathon!

Decodeathon 2021 is a beginner-friendly hackathon scheduled from 17th Decmeber - 19th December based on mathematics, competitive programming, and article writing related to modern-day development. 


Overall Decodeathon Winner - Kevin Jones

2nd Place - Praveen Singh

3rd Place - Ankit Jaiswal

Best Vercel Article - Kevin Jones


Participate here : https://www.hackerrank.com/dcthon


Quiz Form Link : https://forms.gle/yFTyw3kEDU6UVtLG9

(Closes on 19th December)


Web Applications are an essential part of today’s technological advancements with some of the biggest companies building their projects on the web with mass scalability, engaging user-interaction, and fast performance.

In order to be able to program strongly-founded web applications with multiple functionalities in a systematic fashion, development frameworks have proved to be of great significance.

Next.js is an open-source development framework built on top of Node.js enabling React based web applications functionalities such as server-side rendering, automatic code splitting, hot module replacement, and generating static websites.

Sapper is an app framework built on top of Svelte. Its job is to make it easy to build Svelte apps with all the modern best practices like server-side rendering (SSR) and code-splitting, and to provide a project structure that makes development productive and fun.

Compare and contrast the roles Next.js and Sapper play in modern-day development, what they offer, and how they can potentially be used to build powerful applications in the future.

Note : There is no word limit on the article. The article needs to be your original work, and please make sure to cite any sources you use in your writing.

Blogs you can refer to write your articles

  1. https://nextjs.org/docs

  2. https://sapper.svelte.dev/docs/

  3. https://www.clock.co.uk/insight/next-js-what-is-it-and-why-do-we-use-it

  4. https://github.com/jasongitmail/svelte-vs-next

Feel free to go through more developer community blogs and resources to gain more ideas!


Sign up for the contest by filling out this form : https://form.typeform.com/to/iHB6PUUQ

Join our Discord server : https://discord.gg/EkUBKeEKQn

Register on HackerRank if you wish to participate in the programming challenge.


17th December - Official Prompt for the article writing round to be shared. Article Writing Workshop to be held to guide beginners in article writing for devleopment. 

18th December - Math Quiz round begins. Participants can access the quiz through the link shared and begin solving problems. The test is timed so be prepared before attempting it. 

19th December - Programming Challenge begins on HackerRank. This is a timed test. More details regarding the ranking criteria and contest structure can be found on HackerRank.


No teams are allowed. Participants must compete individually.

Submissions for the rounds will only be accepted on their respective deadlines. Please refer to the event timeline. 

Participants' work must be strictly original. Any evidence of plagiarism/cheating will result in disqualification.

Note : Participants must make submissions for at least 2 rounds to qualify for free swag. 50 lucky participants will receive free subscriptions and souvenirs through a randomized process.

Best of Luck!



Dec. 16, 2021 - Dec. 19, 2021







Link to website

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