HackCWRU 2024

Location: In-person

HackCWRU is Case Western Reserve University’s annual hackathon. This year, 100+ student hackers will be participating in this event full of innovation and collaboration. Projects range from web apps to hardware hacks and aim to tackle real-world problems in fields like healthcare and fintech. Groups of 1 - 4 members will have 36 hours to work on a project in one of four project tracks and win prizes! Join us for this special event from February 23-25, 2024!

[CLICK HERE] to visit our official website for more info! (event schedule, food, workshops, etc.)


FAQ: How do I form a team?

First, register for the event and indicate if you are working alone, looking for teammates, or have a team!

- Already have a team? Go to the “My Projects” page, create a new project, and email your teammates to join under “Invite teammates.”

- Find someone on the participants list you’d like to work with? Click the “Request team-up” button and send them an email! Once you have your team, follow the instructions for "Already have a team?"


FAQ: How long do I have to work on my project? Can I work on it remotely?

You will have 36 hours to complete your project. Hacking starts at 11PM on 2/23 and project submissions are due at 11AM on 2/25. You are allowed to work on your project overnight remotely. We encourage you to attend the event in person for free food, various technical and soft-skill workshops, and a chance to meet some great like-minded individuals!


FAQ: Is attendance for all workshops required?

We recommend you attend as many workshops as you can! You aren't required to attend to all of them, but they are great professional development opportunities and are part of what makes our event unique. Visit our website to view the full list of cool workshops!




Jan. 31, 2024 - Feb. 25, 2024




Richey Mixon Building, 11201 Cedar Ave, Cleveland, OH 44106, USA



Link to website

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