Hackathon Reimagine 2023

Location: In-person

Welcome to CMU's second annual ReImagine hackathon! This year we have four main focuses for you to choose from: Sports Health & Tech, Personal Information and Security, Student debt, and On-campus navigation for students and visits. Once you pick your focus and problem, you have 18.5 hours to develop a solution.

 The Problems:

Sports Health & Tech

1.  Injury prevention is paramout in relation to player health, how can products help players protect again injury?

2. Players need to constantly update their skills. What kind of product could help a player be the best they can be!

3. We might have missed something, come up with your own awesome idea!

Personal Information & Security

1. It is hard to protect your identity when you are using multiple websites and social media outlines.  How can products help users keep their identity safe and representative of how they present themselves to their friends, co-workers, and others?

2. Identity in health care is paramount.  How can products help users keep their medical data safe across multiple health care providers?  Can these products help users understand their own health and manage it alongside their providers?

3. There are lots of avenues to explore, wow us with your own idea!

Student Debt

1. Student debt is a big problem!  How can products help students manage student debt and be protected from loan sharks?

2. Student debt is a social problem.  How can the problems related to student debt be discussed and managed in the community?

3. Come up with your own great idea!

On campus navigation for students and visitors

1. College campuses are confusing!  How can products help students and visitors find their way around campuses? How can they help students and visitors discover resources available on campus?

2. Parking is always a problem on college campuses.  How can products help students and visitors find open parking spaces and report the status of parking lots?

3. Come up with your own innovative idea!

Good luck and happy problem solving!


Feb. 24, 2023 - Feb. 25, 2023


Central Michigan University


150 E Bellows St, Mt Pleasant, MI 48858, USA



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