Hack7Days TI x CU

Location: Online

About the challenge

The Hack 7 Days Tezos India x CU Hackathon is a week-long challenge aimed at providing practical exposure to college students in India who are interested in blockchain development. The hackathon is being held in collaboration with various Tezos Clubs set up in different colleges and universities across India.


Get started

With a week long plan of workshops that will cover the basics of blockchain, introduction to Tezos, Etherlink, Tezos as a protocol, running a node of Tezos, writing a tezos contract, introducing the tools for the development of tezos, and exploring possibilities in the Tezos Ecosystem. You can also refer to the resources provided in the previous prompts, such as the Getting started with Tezos Playlist, Smart Contract building using SmartPY guide, Building frontend for Smart contracts using Taquito.js guide, Token standards on Tezos guide, Fractionalization NFTS and Defi guide, and Building Dynamic NFTs using Revise guide.
You can also use Etherlink to build and deploy your EVM based projects on Tezos .


July 12, 2024 - July 17, 2024


Tezos India




₹ 25,000

Link to website

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