Hack the Helyx Hackathon

Location: Online

Hack the Helyx Hackathon is the world's first biotech inspired hackathon where high school students around the world team up to make impactful software relating to the secret theme. We will release the theme at the opening ceremony. Students team up in groups of 2 to 4 to build an app, game, program, or website. Students will have 3 days, from April 10th at 10 AM to April 12th at 4PM, to create an amazing product and submit it to compete for a grand prize of $400. Students can also submit a video of a pitch for their product as a Round 1 of Spark Teen's, our presenting sponsor, Accelerator Challenge in which the top 5 teams will be selected to compete for a chance for a $6,000 grand prize. For more information, please check out our website.


April 10, 2020 - April 12, 2020






Link to website

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