Hack for Good Accenture

Location: Online

How can we use technology as a force for good in the not-for-profit sector?
Whether you’re a seasoned hacker or this is your first time, we invite you to come up with an innovative solution to real-world issues facing not-for-profit organisations.
You don’t need to be a tech person to make a difference, we need creatives and business-minded people too!


To register, go to this link.

Whether you’re an undergraduate student studying IT, engineering, maths, science, business, or the creative arts, we believe you have what it takes to collaborate to create out-of-the-box tech solutions. You and your team have the potential to develop solutions that could make a real difference for the not-for-profit organisation you choose and the greater community!

The not-for-profits you’ll be solving for are:

  • Save the Children: Supports some of the hardest-to-reach children and young people around the world.

  • Prince’s Trust Australia: Helps young people prepare for the rapidly changing world of work, inspires veterans and their families into entrepreneurship and self-employment, and champions resilient sustainable communities.

  • Pollinate Group: Empowers women as leaders of change to distribute household products, such as solar lights and cooking appliances, that improve health, save time, and save money for the world’s most neglected communities.

  • Autism Awareness: Improves the lives of all Australians on the autism spectrum and the families who love them.

We want to see how YOU can use your skills to bring together technology and your team’s collective human ingenuity to help increase the positive impact of these not-for-profits organisations.

Over the weekend (16th-17th January, 2021), your challenge is to build a working prototype to solve a problem provided by one of the not-for-profits, and then present your solution to the panel of judges on the 18th of January. 

The winning teams will have the opportunity to develop their solution further for up to four weeks, with guidance from our Accenture team and the not for profits. We will have a team of mentors available to listen to your ideas and offer guidance and support.

Keen to get involved? Apply individually and we will put you in a team or get a team of 4 and register today. Sign up before Sunday, 29th November 2020.



Jan. 15, 2021 - Jan. 17, 2021






Link to website

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