Hack For Good 2020

Location: Singapore

Developer Students' Club NUS (DSCNUS) presents Hack For Good, a student-run virtual hackathon which seeks to inspire students to learn and use technology for social causes. Our innovation challenge is unique in that we are posing real problem statements provided by NPOs in Singapore. Participating teams are expected to create technological prototypes as part of their solution to tackle their chosen statement and directly benefit the NPO backing each statement. 


Problem Statements


1. World Wildlife Fund (WWF): 

Food production is a major driver for loss of nature, on land and underwater. Dietary choices can help reduce emissions, the pressure on land and the ocean. A third of food produced worldwide is wasted even before it’s consumed.  How can we rescue food before it becomes waste?

2. Conservation International (CI): 

Mangrove forests are some of the most productive and biologically-diverse ecosystems in the world, but despite their ecological importance and contribution to mitigating the impacts of climate change, they continue to be cleared for development. How can we bring knowledge of mangroves’ significant role in mitigating climate change into the classroom?


3. Singapore Council of Women's Organisations

How can we assist women who have to leave their jobs to continue working from their homes in a conducive way so that they continue to progress in their careers and upskill?


4. AphasiaSG: 

How can we enable people with Aphasia in Singapore to return to meaningful engagement or employment in the community?

5. SACAC Counselling

Develop a technological solution to address any or some of the following issues centered around stress, anxiety and depression: Overuse of tech/distractions, Lack of sleep, Academic Pressure, Relationships, Nutrition, Performance Stress, Exercise.


Important Dates

Deadline for Submission on Devpost

  • 17th March 2020, 1200hrs

Announcement of Top 10 Finalists via Hack For Good Telegram Channel

  • 18th March 2020, 1300hrs

Final Pitch and Prize Presentation @ NUS School of Computing

  • 21st March 2020, 1400hrs


Finalist Selection

Based on the usefulness, creativity, and technical accomplishment of the solutions, the Top 2 teams in each problem statement will be selected for the final round

Finalists will be notified via our Announcements and Q&A telegram group on 18 March 2020.

Finalists are expected to do a 5-min presentation + 5-min Q&A on their solution in front of a panel of judges. The finale event will be held physically at NUS School of Computing SR1 on the 21st March 2020.

It is compulsory for you to view and consent to our Code of Conduct and Submission Rights & Display guidelines under the Rules page (link below).


Feb. 24, 2020 - March 15, 2020



School of Computing, Singapore



Link to website

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